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Oral History Project

Do you have a recommendation for an interview for our Oral History Project? Please fill out our Oral History Subject Nomination Form and return it to the THS attention Oral History Committee via mail or email.

Visit Us

We invite you to visit the Brownell Research Center at 6 Burruel Road in Tubac across from the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park and Museum: 

The research center is named for Elizabeth Brownell, author of the comprehensive book on Tubac history, They Lived in Tubac.  At the BRC, we have over twenty thousand five-by-seven inch index cards filled with “Brownie’s” research notes for her book. In addition, we have collections of rare books, maps, census and cemetery records, oral histories, artwork, artists’ biographies, and other biographical material related to Tubac and the Santa Cruz River Valley.

Explore our website to learn more about the rich and interesting history of life in the Santa Cruz River Valley.  

Click to view our online collections database.

Tubac Historical Society